Conference Venue

Central China Normal University (South Lake Campus)

Address: NO.382 Xiongchu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China


Located in Wuhan, Central China Normal University (CCNU) is a key comprehensive normal university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China. It is also one of the universities on the list of the “211 National Education Priority Project” and “Double First-Class” Initiative.

The origin of CCNU can be traced back to Boone College (Wenhua Shuyuan), which was established in 1903 and later renamed Huachung University. In the following years, it merged with Zhonghua University and the School of Education of Zhongyuan University. In 1985, its name was officially changed to Central China Normal University, which was handwritten by Deng Xiaoping, one of the founders of Zhongyuan University.

Since its founding, CCNU has been recognized as an important base for cultivating brilliant talents for the country as well as a top-quality training center for excellent teachers in higher education. Embracing the essence of traditional culture, CCNU absorbs the sustenance of foreign cultures and promotes the tradition of progressive culture. It is dedicated to seeking truth, innovation, building morality and cultivating creativity within its students. Driven by the spirit of loyalty, erudition & virtue, honesty and resolution, CCNU has educated over 600,000 outstanding talents in the past years.


学校办学历史悠久。溯源于1903年创办的文华书院大学部(始于1871年创办的文华书院,1924年改名为华中大学)、1912年创办的中华大学、1949年创办的中原大学教育学院。1951年中原大学教育学院与华中大学合并组建成公立华中大学; 1952年中华大学等并入后,改名为华中高等师范学校;1953年定名为华中师范学院;1985年更名为华中师范大学,并由中原大学创始人之一邓小平同志亲笔题写校名。1993年江泽民同志为学校九十周年校庆题词:“发展师范教育事业, 提高民族文化素质”。学校既继承了中国传统文化的精华,又汲取了外来文化的养分,更弘扬了革命文化的传统,形成了“求实创新、立德树人”的校训和“忠诚博雅、朴实刚毅”的大学精神,为国家培养了60多万优秀人才。